Creative Sales Diary

Follow me if you want to win the sales game

When was the last time you said YES to yourself?

I never opened that newspaper.

It sat next to my breakfast plate, like every other day. I took one peek at the front page, and something in me stiffened. Strongly, violently, in my chest. It felt like someone was holding a tight grip on my throat and I lost some color in my face.


And then it hit me.

You see, as I do most mornings (OK, I try), I finished my morning routine to prepare myself for the day ahead. It slightly varies depending on the schedule for that day. I started off with a Wim Hof breathing exercise before I even got out of bed, I then did a set of exercises to bring more blood flow to my recently tensed up shoulder and shoulder blade.

Next, a few minutes of gratitude time. Mine's simple: grateful for waking up to another sunny day, for having a loving husband. For having bonus daughters (someone came up with that term and it sounds so much better than stepdaughters). For the simple fact that we love each other even though we met later in our lives. For the life...

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