"At the heart of my philosophy is the sincere belief that every individual possesses the power to reinvent, grow, and thrive.
I am dedicated to guiding you on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and holistic healing and well-being. Together, we'll unlock your true potential, embracing the power of third chances. From now on, let's rewrite your story, amplify your influence, and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and positive impact. Your journey to transformation starts now."

IMAGINE doing exactly what you always dreamt of, no limits. Where would you go, what would you do, and who would you love to be?
Now, what stopped you? Maybe now is the perfect time to revisit those dreams. What would happen if you finally took a deep breath, and did something for yourself for a change?
If you're ready to shake off the doubts and surround yourself with a circle that's got your back, we're right here for you!
Widowhood is such a unique journey for each of us, there is no rulebook. Turns out that widows can relate to each other deeply. We know the secret handshake.
You've been there for everyone else - isn't it about the time to put yourself first?
Let's enter this new chapter with a fresh thirst for new experiences. Find out who you really are (the answer may surprise you), what makes you tick, and what you really, really want your new life to be.
Embrace your authentic self, rock that confidence, know your priorities, and watch new awesome people enter your life, loving you for YOU.
Turns out, it also boosts your mood, health, career, relationships - the life!
Ready to dive in? Let's do this!
#LifeWithoutLimits #NewBeginnings
“I just can’t. I’m wiped out,” I told my personal trainer, stopping at 6 reps of a simple exercise. That wasn't like me - I never gave up, especially not in front of Tom. I’ve been working out with him for years. He helped me build my strength back and improve the quality of my life after three lumbar surgeries, bolts, and screws involved.
But those weeks, after my husband Jerry passed, I was dragging myself to the gym. My whole body gave in. Months of caring for him took a toll; every joint ached and my back finally gave in too. Not to mention a rollercoaster of emotions. Tom kept me going and was there for me.
Emotionally drained, I barely remember most of those days/weeks.
Living healthy was our mantra, we ate whole foods, exercised, took the right supplements, and did the right things. Or so I thought. But despite my holistic nutrition expertise, I couldn't help my own husband! That helplessness hit hard. It was devastating.
Fast forward a few months, on a networking ZOOM call, a guy named Bob talked about stuff that helped him with his “shut shoulder” and prevented surgery.
Skeptical yet curious (never heard of the term, REDOX), it sure sounded too good to be true. I delved into the science he sent me and it made a lot of sense. What if THIS was the missing link?
Tom - the biggest science nerd I know, held a unique insight. Unlike even my doctors, he knew about Redox Signaling Molecules and their vital role in life. His excitement to witness their effects was palpable.
When my first Redox order came in, I tested it that same evening. The results were astonishing. Within 10 minutes, my shoulders, a source of discomfort for years, regained full motion. I know, crazy!
The following week at the gym, I surpassed expectations. From 12 repetitions, I effortlessly did 15. And I could have kept going! Tom and I looked at each other - a significant shift was obvious to both of us. We tested my shoulders with weights, an impossible feat before, and they recovered swiftly.
But my body was only starting the recovery process. Drinking this biohack every day, (or the "water of life" as I now call it), not only addressed physical issues but also tackled my hot flashes within that first week. After months of experimenting with herbal treatments, Chinese herbs, and dosages, Redox stood out as a game-changer.
My energy soared, my body operated like my younger self, my joints moved smoothly again, and I bid farewell to painkillers. Quality sleep became a reality. The quick transformation left me stunned!

A month later, my dear friends invited me to spend my first solo Christmas in the enchanting mountains of North Carolina. Their house, like straight out of a Hallmark movie, became the backdrop for a memorable holiday. And, our secret love affair with their Belgium Malinois, Nico, added to the joy!
Driving 750 miles (split into two days), I arrived full of anticipation. Taking the exuberant Nico for a walk in the woods, I realized something extraordinary – I wasn't even tired!
To many, this might not seem significant, but to me, it was a true Christmas miracle. After my last lumbar fusion surgery in 2009, sitting for more than 30 - 45 minutes triggered a burning nerve sensation down my leg. I wouldn't be able to sit through a movie, never mind driving a distance. The improvement was remarkable!
Seven months later, my first blood work since starting Redox, revealed a 60-point drop in my previously alarmingly high cholesterol. No statins, no other lifestyle changes.
There’ve been countless effects on my overall health and well-being since. I don't complain about my complexion looking younger either! I haven't been sick, even when traveling, and directly exposed to a highly infectious sick friend.
As I marveled at this newfound vitality, one question lingered – why now? Why not a few months earlier, when it could have made a significant difference for my husband?

You know, they say everything happens for a reason, at just the right time.
After encountering numerous people whose lives were profoundly impacted, defying predictions and bleak prognoses, I felt a calling to become a part of this noble mission.
Unable to help my own husband, I found solace in ensuring that others seeking solutions and praying for hope are aware that this exists!
So, I joined forces with a group of global entrepreneurs and visionaries who've been changing lives worldwide for over 14 years. What started as a collaboration quickly blossomed into deep friendships I'm immensely grateful for. It seems this technology and the company that developed it attracts a very special kind of people.
This journey not only facilitated a robust financial recovery and independence for me, but it also added meaning to every dollar earned – knowing it translates to touching and positively impacting another life.
My previous coaching model felt shallow in comparison. The old cliché "if you don't have your health, nothing else matters" ceased to be a cliché for me. That's why I shifted my focus to helping others reclaim their mark in the world. What are your reasons, dreams, needs, and goals?
Let's make it happen together!

Oh, hi - by the way, I'm Vera
Did I forget to introduce myself? Where are my manners?
"Do it THIS way" was never my 'thing.'
In a career that shunned typical sales tactics and scripts, instead of “outside the box” I kicked the box out of my way. Born in communist Czechoslovakia, I transitioned from a professional singer to a sales manager, entrepreneur, and Editor-in-Chief of a society magazine. Studying people skills became my life's work.
Moving to America in 2002 meant reinventing myself all over again. I ventured into entirely new professional fields armed only with my pesky people skills. From a small village where nobody spoke English to speaking on stages across America, my journey is a testament to the unexpected.
Professionally trained in Strategic Intervention And Relationship coaching under Robbins-Madanes Teaching, I have the tools and expertise to help you overcome whatever's holding you back. More importantly, we share a bond as part of the club no one ever wanted to join.
I understand what you're going through!
✨ #RebelToResilient #JourneySnapshot #ThriveTogether

You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain
when you finally reach out and accept the help
Schedule a time to talk
Let's Grow Together
- This too shall pass
- Let's start by taking care of yourself
- Find your way
- Clarify what you want NOW and WHY
- Live fully & authentically by your own blueprint
- Use your unique strengths to your advantage
- And if you're a wine lover like me, - it's in the stars that we got to know each other!
Sure, you can do it on your own. But then, why didn't you already? We both know the answer, don't we??
Why do we have to make it always harder on ourselves....
It's all about the WHY, the WHAT & the HOW before we do anything else
The most official version :)
in case you didn't see enough already
The Master of Reinvention and Holistic Healing
🌟 Meet Vera Czerny, a Strategic Intervention & Relationship Coach, and the visionary Founder of Third Chances, a coaching firm dedicated to enhancing people skills for individuals and business owners, amplifying their influence in the world.
Vera's journey took a profound turn after the loss of her husband, leading her to reinvent her coaching practice with a special focus on supporting fellow widows and strong women over 50. Trained at Robbins-Madanes Training under the guidance of eminent mentors such as Tony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Mark Peysha, and Magali Peysha, Vera brings a wealth of expertise to her transformative coaching approach.
Beyond coaching, she is fueled by a passion for holistic healing, nutrition, longevity, and cutting-edge science. On her podcast, she engages with inspiring coaches, doctors, and guests who share powerful stories of reinvention. These individuals, like Vera, are on a mission to help others live better lives and contribute positively to the world.
Join Vera Czerny on a journey of resilience, reinvention, and holistic well-being, as she continues to be a catalyst for positive change in the lives of many.
✨ #TransformationCatalyst #HolisticHealingJourney #longevity #fullfilledlife