Creative Sales Diary

Follow me if you want to win the sales game

Sell with this mindset and never feel like Sisyphus again

It never disappoints.

Any group of salesmen I ever spoke to ends up with that same look on their faces, as if I just landed from Mars. It comes after my opening question and reads something like: “What the hell do you mean what’s on my mind when I start the sales call?!!!”

Yeah. If you’re in sales, you know it too. We ALL know it. There's only ONE thing that's on our minds.

And that’s the moment I start turning this whole familiar process upside down and tear it apart.

I teach how to approach a sales call (in person or over the phone) without obsessing about the sale.



I know how it sounds. But give me a minute to explain.



What happens when the sale you need to make is all that's on your mind?

Your client feels it, sees it, and smells it – however well you think you cover it up with small talk. No amount of the right buzz words and a wide smile can wipe that off your mind. Could you really listen to your client,...

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