Talking about chronic disease isn't just that sexy

Dr. Jacob Kendall demystifies health(care) via his speaking engagements and workshop facilitating. He is the survivor of two open-heart surgeries at a young age and has formal training in gerontology, public health, social work, biology, and theology. Jacob believes the key to mastering health is a convergent 4-dimensional approach, integrating multiple perspectives to show that health is more than individualistic, medical, here, and now.

Gerontology fascinated him as a necessary dialog across all different disciplines when it comes to aging. 

We talked about:

  • what inspired a young man to be interested in the science of aging
  • how it's connected to chronic disease, social work, caregiving 
  • how it's fascinating for him to connect the dots
  • what an aha moment he had in Africa
  • what his own medical challenges taught him about navigating the medical system, especially insurance
  • What chronic disease advocacy, aging, and caregiving have in common
  • What became a new level of insight and enlightenment and how his priorities changed

  • How to become more critical thinkers when it comes to our health

"People are terrible at planning for crises – we don’t address them until the crises hit." Dr. Jacob Kendall


"I firmly believe that if everyone walked even just 10-15 minutes daily, so many of our society's issues would not exist or wouldn’t be so bad. And I don’t just mean it in terms of health, I mean it in terms of political polarization, and other systemic issues that exist in every single aspect of life. I firmly believe that. We can sit here and say: “Well, that’s such a simple solution! Just go outside and walk for a few minutes…” But we still don’t do it!"  


If you want to reach out to Dr. Kendall, here is the best contact info:  




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Thank you!        Vera Czerny

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