All that happens to you prepares you not to be derailed in the future

Imagine living a very structured life as a Navy Corpsman for 20 years. The transition to civilian life is hard enough. Followed by being blindsided by a divorce, while raising children and working in medical fields, hospitals, and counseling. Which means witnessing and dealing with all kinds of stressful trauma, and mental and substance abuse.

After some time you find a new relationship, and just when you think your life is making sense again, your town gets hit by a category 5 hurricane that destroys everything considered your little world.
As you start placing the pieces back together, planning to change jobs or retire, your newlywed husband succumbs to COVID-related pneumonia shortly after. If this were a movie script, it would be called "unrealistic and hard to believe".

Just one of these things would be hard enough to deal with for a regular person, but Margaret Paul, our today’s guest, isn’t “regular”. She used those hard moments to strengthen. Not just overcome but to thrive and inspire. She became a stronger, more empathetic human being, counselor, and volunteer – always in service for others. Instead of falling apart, she completed a coaching certification and started her practice, called Mindfully Healthy.  

She specializes in helping others with diabetes, heart disease, weight loss, general health, relationships, spirituality, finances, stress management, career, finances, you name it. She helps you manage your life. Her journey of self-growth and awareness along with a high level of empathy, brings a unique perspective and experience to the table, ensuring she can relate to what you’re going through.

We discussed the feelings, the emotions, the structure, and the variety of events that made her who she is today – a light of hope and a beacon of love.

A masterclass of the powerful ways to overcome whatever life throws in your path.  Do not miss this episode!

If Margaret's personality resonated with you, and you would like to reach out to her, here is the best contact information:







* If you enjoyed this episode, please SUBSCRIBE to my channel so you don't miss another inspirational story like this. My guests and I massively appreciate it! If you find this valuable, please SHARE with someone you care about who needs to hear this!

Thank you!  Vera Czerny

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