We Are All Just Humans Having a Human Experience

In this episode with an incredible Mitch Webb, an Integrative Health Coach we'll talk about what turned a successful Corporate Sales Executive into Health Coach and what he had to overcome to change his health around.

Mitch says: “As men, we push that stuff down and don’t deal with it and that stuff sits in our body, taking up energy and we get sick. You got to feel it to heal it.”

You'll learn about: 

  • How Mitch’s journey started with multiple crazy diagnoses in his early 20ties
  • What can TBIs, autoimmune disease, insomnia, Lyme disease, and pre-diabetic conditions do to your body's stress 
  • Add to it scary symptoms that presented themselves after being exposed to black mold (unknowingly), heavy metal toxins
  • Mix with tragedy in the family, 3 rounds of Covid, losing 70 lbs. of body weight, and a scary car accident on top of it
  • How much more can you take and what it takes to pull yourself out of that hole
  • How he ends up genie-pigging himself to better health after putting band-aids and plugging holes that didn’t address the root of the issue
  • How he felt compelled to help others with what he learned that helped him
  • How one chiropractor changed his life trajectory
  • What (and who) saved his life
  • How as a type A person you take everything to the extreme – if something is good for you, you will do more of it with a tendency to overdo it.
  • How when you deal with the baggage from the past, emotions, and trauma, once you free up that kind of energy, you’ve got lots of energy to create the life that you want
  • How he partnered with functional medicine doctors to figure out the root issue when you can’t diet and exercise yourself out of chronic health condition
  • Why focusing on the end result leads to burnout and quitting and what to focus on instead
  • What’s his Book of proof
  • How nothing changes until we change – and when we do things differently, we get a different outcome

    "Before you know it - you look back and you’re somebody completely different that you don’t even recognize and it’s a beautiful thing! Everything happens for a reason. When struggle comes up, the Japanese like to celebrate. I got these crazy diagnoses – awesome! That’s an opportunity to grow and heal, and that’s why you came here to learn these lessons, to grow your soul, and your spirit, to evolve as a human being, and to share and evolve the human collective. We are all one so when you heal, you heal someone else.

    "Digging into some of those old wounds can be painful – so you need something even more painful to motivate you to overcome it."

    If you would like to see what it's like to work with Mitch, and if he could help you, take advantage of his special offer and schedule your free consultation here:

    All listeners get a free 30-minute call with Mitch using the link


    You can reach and connect with Mitch here:

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Any opinions stated on this podcast are personal opinions of the host or guests and are meant for information only. Any products, modalities, or technologies mentioned here are not intended to or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any disease or illness.
Use your own discretion when considering using the methods, diets, products, or modalities mentioned in this podcast. We offer an open forum to discuss the newest discoveries and modalities out there that may benefit people's health, vitality, and wellness.
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