Life changes when midlife crises break the corporate golden handcuffs and you escape the rat race

In this episode, we have an amazing conversation with London native, now Czech resident, Roderick Lambert who devoted his life to Midlife Metabolic Health – first out of concern for his own health and then turned the experience into a successful business.

Today, Roderick is a Midlifer’s Guide to permanent weight loss & metabolic health who helps busy people aged 40-60 take back control of their health and avoid the meds. He’s a health, life & executive coach. Most importantly, a great human being with an interesting story.

In this episode we talk about:

  • What happens when the doctor tells you it’s quite likely you’re going to have a heart attack in 5 years
  • When the only medical advice you get is: to eat less, move more, and get a less stressful job
  • Roderick felt like being in the black tunnel of working his butt off just to "keep people in the corporation happy while not making a dent in the Universe – until you drop dead"
  • How his midlife crises and the birth of his son changed his way of thinking about what life is all about and what to do next
  • How people are happy when you gain pounds, but worried “is he sick?” when you lose weight
  • How he helps other busy people lose weight, improve their metabolic health and keep it off for good
  • A surprising personal weakness this health coach admits
  • Some of the biggest misconceptions people have about losing weight or working with a coach
  • 3 key pieces of advice you can apply today if you know something got to change about your weight, health, and overall well-being.

    To connect with Roderick:
    email: [email protected]
    Phone: +420 605 235 640 (GSM, Whatsapp) 

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    Any opinions stated on this podcast are personal opinions of the host or guests and are meant for information only. Any products, modalities, or technologies mentioned here are not intended to or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any disease or illness.

    Use your own discretion when considering using the methods, diets, products, or modalities mentioned in this podcast. We offer an open forum to discuss the newest discoveries and modalities out there that may benefit people's health, vitality, and wellness.
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