What if you were meant to see this to finally change your life?
It did, for me. Don't miss it
My biggest regrets were opportunities I walked away from, assuming.
Only to find out later the REAL COST of my wrong assumptions.
Don't make the same mistake. As an entrepreneur and a decision-maker - this page should help you find answers to some of your important questions.
If you arrived here to get a better understanding - I hope you will schedule a call with me so we can meet.
If this resonates with you, you will know. I'm here to support you so you can start as soon as you want. We work as a team and support each other with the best mentorship by some of the most successful people in this business. They walk the talk and know what works.
On the other hand, I respect your agency to decide what's right for you. Just know I'm here to answer your questions, give you more resources, and show you the way. I'm not into arm-twisting.
- Love helping people?
- Have an entrepreneurial spirit?
- Want to earn extra income?
- Want a solid plan B for your business or retirement?
- Want to create residual, global, lifestyle income?
- Love challenge and personal growth?
- Enjoy meeting new people?
- Like to belong to a special community with shared values?
- Want to make a living while making a difference?
- Wish to leave a meaningful legacy?
If you answered YES to these questions, you're a great candidate to explore working with me and my team.
3 years ago I joined a group of global entrepreneurs on a mission to educate the world on Redox Molecules and their fundamental importance in the body. If you never heard of it, you're not alone. None of us did. But when you realize what we have our hands on, you'll feel an obligation we all feel - that everyone needs this "Missing Link to Optimal Health". Now more than ever.
I can't do this alone. Everyone deserves to know this safe health option exists. That's why I teach and mentor others to do what I do. You've your own business but if I don't help you succeed, I can't succeed. Isn't it a noble, elegant business idea?
The majority of us are everyday people who witnessed a huge difference in their health and can't just keep the secret for themselves.
You don't have to become an expert, a doctor, or a scientist.
If you follow 3 simple steps, you can succeed in this business. All is done for you.
This may or may not be a fit for you, but I urge you to explore by taking a closer look.
[It took me almost a year before I even took a look. I had no idea how life-changing this was.
I deeply regret my period of ignorance/arrogance.]
WHO IS ASEA - this mattered to me
Some important boxes to check when evaluating a business opportunity
- ASEA is a biotech company that owns the space in cellular health - The ONLY company in the world that developed & stabilized Redox Signaling Molecules
- Pioneering a new Redox category in Health & Wellness, Antiaging and Athletic Performance
- Validated by 3rd party independent science
- Backed by 7 active patents and over 1,000 trade secrets - zero competition
- Everyone needs it, but virtually nobody knows about it (yet, great momentum)
- Proven track record - ASEA technology is on the market for 15 years - not a startup
- $1.3 billion in revenue, already paid out over $500 million in commissions
- Profitable from the first year
- Zero long-term debt
- Privately owned, responsibly managed as a legacy company (no shareholders)
- Available for sale in 35+ global markets and growing
- 20+ global distribution centers
- Made in the USA, the production controlled every step of the way
- Produced in an FDA-Registered production facility
- Ongoing research with third-party independent laboratories and universities
- Always innovating, and developing new products focused on cellular health.
- Ranked as one of the top 50 Direct Sales companies in the world for the last 8 years
- Voted repeatedly as the Best company to work for (by its employees)
- Great timing as we move from the little-known health science breakthrough to become a household name
- P over E company (people and principles over ego and economics)
- Ethos and corporate soul - not just an empty slogan at ASEA
Believe. Belong. Become.
See WHY I chose THIS company:
Business Opportunity and Compensation Plan
Got questions? I might have the answers!
Let's talkWhy did they choose to partner with ASEA?
Jeannette Chambers, Cindy Buck, Amy Stacy, Ed Wiens, Cristina Williams, Dr. David Silverman... see more business testimonials HERE (password: redox)
Let me help you make an impact and achieve the level of success you believe you deserve