Optimize your quality of life

You have suffered enough, time for you to resolve the puzzle! 



Age gracefully, clear-minded, focused, and full of energy to enjoy life to the fullest 

If you don't sleep enough, stress all day long, and constantly rush - never mind hardly squeezing in any time for yourself, you KNOW that not even a truckload of the best supplements can perform a miracle. You just can't keep pouring from an empty cup!



Canceling yet another plan because you're not feeling right? 

WHAT IF your body was operating as it used to when you were younger, up for any adventure? When you danced the whole night and sprung nice and fresh the next day to go to work. What if you gave yourself just 90 days to turn your inner doctor back on and watch what's possible with the latest technologies? OK, if you're impatient and skeptical - I have a way to prove it to you in 10 minutes. 

Have you explored "Cellular repair, Homeostasis, Metabolic imbalance, or Holistic approach? 

If you did, you're at the right place.

If this sounds all "Greek" to you, even better reason to stick around and maybe see a thing or two, you may not know about - yet.
Not sure about you, but I'm always up and curious to be in the loop with the newest cool stuff... Better than good ol' whining stories to drop around my friends :) 

If you know it's time to change things around - I hear you! You like to think outside the box (the dreaded pill box), and instead of patching things up, you want the REAL & LASTING solutions. Not another gimmick you wasted time and money on the last time! (You too?) 


  It redefines the way your body can heal and finally get to the root cause of your symptoms.

Even if nothing worked for you so far



Take Charge of Your Health and Life of Joy

Let me take you on a mission - to age backward and 
embrace REAL solutions to improve your energy, sleep, optimal health, mood, stamina, focus, and life fulfillment

I'm Vera, and my entire life, I stayed as far away from medications as possible. Despite 3 lumbar surgeries, I'm in better shape now than I was in my thirties. My doctor doesn't see much of me and I like to keep it that way. 

I didn't want to follow in my parent's path - stuffing weekly pill boxes every Sunday, making up excuses to cancel plans because of aches and pains, and calendar filled with doctor's appointments... you know the drill.

As we age, we sure have to make more effort to stay in shape. Are you giving up on another game of golf or even hiking with kids because you don't want to pop painkillers afterward?

If your career and responsibilities leave you little time to focus on health and activity - maybe it's about time you learn better, faster, and simpler ways to assist your body than just diet and exercise. 


is a priority for me, at this stage of life. Not another commitment on my already busy schedule. Can you improve your health significantly, without twisting yourself into a pretzel in the process? Without all sorts of activities and adjustments? Yes and Yes. 

Don't settle for "surviving" managing your life AROUND painful symptoms! (That's what I was told after years of never-ending various therapies that didn't deliver the promised relief anyway). Finally, I stopped the nonsense, and said - watch me! And I never looked back.

Of course, you deserve to enjoy a quality life no matter your age!

And if you think, "What does she know about pain? Wait till you're my age!" I say, "Don't judge the book by the covers. I started young :)!"


Enjoy starving yourself with strict diets? Me neither. They're impossible to stick to (I'd know, it was my business). Instead of a never-ending yo-yo effect, eat like your life depends on it. Because it does!  

Let's take a few easy steps that elevate your health and lifestyle that are doable for you without drastic measures. 
What if you already eat healthily and do all the right things - yet you struggle anyway? Are you dealing with inflammation, gut issues, brain fog, skin issues, hormones, neurological issues, or sleepless nights? 

About 3 years ago I learned the hard way there was a missing link in our health protocol I didn't know existed. It proved fundamental. Still, real people with real problems are left behind not knowing about solutions that can help…

I thought I knew all there was about nutrition, supplements, and prevention. All the new cool hacks out there to keep our bodies in optimal shape on the road to longevity. I wasted a lot of money testing many of them.

With all I thought I knew - I couldn't help my own husband when medical pros ran out of options. It broke me into a million pieces.

I learned and applied a lot since then and my life & health changed profoundly. I don't want you to miss it too!

Feel like your engine runs on all cylinders once again - and you'll know exactly how much life you've been missing!  

Imagine how you'll feel getting a good night’s sleep night after night - feeling 10 years younger because now you have truckloads of energy to spare all day, every day.

What would it feel like to leap out of bed and be ready no matter what life throws at you, instead of making up excuses for why you can't go?

Want to know more?


Tired of chasing after health solutions promising the world but delivering disappointment?

Let's start with taking the GUESSING GAME out of the picture. It's what stops most people from even considering something new. Instead, get full support from me and other professionals, so you know what you're doing and why - and if needed, how to adjust the protocol. 

But I have tried everything
Have you experimented with countless hacks, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments, only to find yourself still struggling with health issues or lack of energy? What if you already do "everything right" yet still dealing with challenges that are met with a shoulder shrug and, "Well, that's just normal FOR YOUR AGE..."?

It's time to stop the cycle of trial and error. When it comes to health, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. But there are new, scientifically proven technologies that approach your health, safely, from a whole new angle - positively affecting EVERYTHING on the most fundamental level. It was believed impossible before. That's why we see results even with the most stubborn issues!

If you ask yourself - well, that sounds all good and dandy, but will it work for me? I've tried everything! Set up a free call with me so we can assess where you're today and I can also show you testimonials relevant to your unique issue. 

Why 90 Days?

You and I know that a true health reset takes time. You didn't get where you're overnight either. That's why we've designed a program spanning 90 days, tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. This isn't a quick fix, managing the symptoms, or a temporary solution – it's a commitment to your lasting well-being. You'll know exactly what to do to continue on your optimal longevity path on your own. If you change your mind? You can leave or cancel anytime. 

Personalized Approach

Forget generic advice. I believe in a unique protocol designed specifically for you. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a busy professional, or a grandparent looking to keep up with your grandchildren, the 90-day program is customized to suit your lifestyle and aspirations. You'll not be forced to make a decision based on generic information either. On our call, we will explore what's possible in your case, and what would it take in detail. You decide what and if it's feasible!

Supported Every Step of the Way

Navigating the health journey can be daunting. Rest rest assured you wouldn't be left to figure it out on your own. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to your success. From regular check-ins to personalized consultations, we'll be here to help through every step of your transformation and adjust as needed so you get the most out of it.

Scientifically Proven Results

The effectiveness of this innovative approach isn't just anecdotal – it's backed by science. With a wealth of research, you can trust that this is a proven and effective path to better health and vitality. Thousands of people around the world have had their lives turned around - and will share their experiences, confirming that this has cracked the code where other approaches failed.

Athletes up to Golden Olympic medalists are following this protocol so they can recover faster after hard training, challenge their bodies more, and beat their own records (even older than prime age).

Risk-Free Guarantee

We're so confident in the effectiveness of our program that we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Plus, with clinically proven zero side effects, you can feel confident knowing that your path to optimal health is also 100% safe. You have nothing to lose. 

Don't Settle for Anything Less

Your health is your greatest asset, and now you're not helpless. Say goodbye to temporary fixes and endless frustration. It's your time to live fully, reset your health, unlock your potential, and live younger, longer.



When there is plenty of it, we don't give it a second thought. When we lack it, it's all we can think about.   



Let me answer your questions so you can make an informed decision for yourself!

Click the button below to start your transformation!

Schedule Your Complimentary and Non-obligatory Wellness Assessment

Which matters the most to you?

  • Allergies
  • Athletic performance
  • Bladder issues
  • Blood health
  • Blood pressure
  • Blood Sugar
  • Breathing
  • Circulation
  • Cholesterol
  • Discomfort in your back
  • Discomfort in your joints
  • Discomfort in general
  • EMF Sensitivity
  • Energy
  • Epigenetics
  • Esophagus
  • Eyesight and health
  • Food intolerance
  • Gut/Bowel Health
  • Hair Loss
  • Headaches
  • Hearing
  • Heart
  • Hormones
  • Immune Functions
  • Inflammatory Response
  • Kidney health
  • Maternity
  • Mental Clarity
  • Memory
  • Mood
  • Mobility
  • Neurological Challenge
  • Numbness
  • Olfactory
  • Oral Health
  • Prostate Health
  • Recovery after Accident
  • Skin Anti Aging
  • Skin Challenge
  • Skin Irritation
  • Sleep
  • Speech
  • Spectrum Behavior
  • Stress
  • Swollen Feet
  • Tick Bite
  • Weight Loss/Gain 
Schedule your FREE Wellness Check IN

To be compliant and also to respect my client's privacy, I don't post testimonials here. If you're interested in a particular issue and want to see relevant results, please schedule the call - I will show you other people's results directly.   

Move better

Increase your athletic performance, play golf without the need for painkillers, or run after those never-tired grandkids.  Have the energy to do things you love without needing a nap! Speed up your body's healing and recovery time after physical activity as a bonus. 

Boost your immune system

Seems like we can't do enough to stay safe and resilient. Our body's natural ability to prevent, heal, repair, and recover declines with age. Address your health on the fundamental level so you can show up 100% in your life again.

Do your hormones run havoc? What if you could help your body balance them without drugs or medical intervention?

Maximize and save your energy

Improve your sleep, even your mood. Decrease your stress levels and your body's overall stiffness. Keep your mind sharper even without another cup of coffee. Say "see ya" to the aches and pains that come with age. Boost your body's natural repair mechanisms even if you already deal with medical challenges!

Essential to every organ, system, and function of the body

Ever wondered about your body's own Wi-Fi signal? How get stuff done and fixed in our bodies without us even knowing? Turns out, if your cells can't SIGNAL properly, it's as efficient as having a fancy phone with just one bar. Not ideal!

Now, here's a quirky fact: with each passing decade, we lose about 10% of our cell signaling power. Imagine if our 75 trillion cells could throw it back to the good ol' days when they communicated like pros! Picture them catching issues and swapping out those rebel cells with shiny new ones before it can turn into a messy situation.

What if you can assist your body to start reversing years-old damage instead of putting out the fires?

Think of it as the ultimate longevity hack – letting our bodies do their own thing the way they were designed to. This cool (and effective) technology has been shaking things up globally for the last 15 years.



Dr. Robertson Ward, MD
(Family Medicine)

“When you think vitamins and minerals, that's a discovery 100 years ago. Today we’ve got new technologies. The most exciting is the application and supplementation of Redox Molecules to support our biology. They are critical. We wouldn’t live minutes without these molecules being produced. Every cell in our body needs it for communication purposes.
The more balanced they are, the more abundant they are, the healthier we are. “

Dr. Gary Samuelson
(PhD Atomic Medical Physics)

“The Redox Signaling process is remarkable because it is the process that allows us to regenerate tissue and maintain our normal function and capacities. This technology has the potential to spearhead the greatest advances in health we have ever seen.”

Dr. Maureen Hayes, M.D.
(Anesthesiology & Pain Management)

“REDOX is a huge breakthrough, and it's foundational for health. It helps the cells to detect, protect, repair, or replace. So, with these molecules, we are amping up that communication, we're helping that cell signal. We're helping the cells do their job better. It affects every cell in our body and even the very DNA within those cells. We talk about the discovery of DNA and the discovery of penicillin as being huge breakthroughs. Now we've something that goes even deeper.”

YES! I Too Want To Hit The RESET



Immune System
50 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease. Symptoms can affect all organs

Hormone Modulation Hormone imbalances account for billions of dollars in healthcare costs

Inflammatory Response Chronic inflammation, often triggered by stress, is linked to almost all major causes of disease

Digestive Function -  Digestive issues are the second leading cause of disability due to illness in the United States

Cardiovascular System -  One in every three deaths in the United States has cardiovascular disease listed as the underlying cause


Yes, tell me more!

Let's not take our health for granted. If the last few years taught us anything - instead of waiting and dealing with consequences, proactive people get in charge of their health and win long-term. 

Instead of temporarily patching things up (often with costly side effects), let's turn on the flashlight in your body, and address the root of the body's adaptive response. You'll be stunned by what your OWN BODY is capable of repairing! 

Your brilliant body is the most complex communication network on the planet! Any breakdown in this communication and you cannot achieve your full health potential.

Simply said, if your cells can’t signal, little else matters!

The last 40 years in the health and natural wellness industry have been dominated by all varieties of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, exotic juices, CBD oils, etc.  The next 40 years? We go way beyond nutrition - all roads lead to REDOX. 

This is NOT more of the same or a variety of the same, packaged differently. We don't think outside of the box here - we've got our own!

So what if, despite all your efforts, you're already dealing with issues that require attention? I've been there.

Western medicine is excellent when it comes to crisis care. Thank God for that! But prevention? We're familiar with temporarily calming down each issue separately until it needs more serious intervention. Of course, our bodies need the building blocks such as vitamins and minerals, and proper nutrition for their best function. It's great that today we have these alternative options and are not entirely dependent on just adding more toxic chemicals into our bodies.

But think about it - when you calm the pain (the body's ALERT system) - whether you do it naturally or with medication, does it address the root of why you're hurting in the first place?

During these 90 days, we implement this uniquely positioned, rapidly growing area of science that is considered the most significant health science breakthrough of our lifetime! You'll be on your true path to longevity and quality of life.

For many, THIS proved to be the missing link to better health and vitality.

CAN THIS HELP ME? Schedule your Free Wellness Check-In

The best time to start is now - aren't you worth it? 

 Over 20 Years Of Clinical Studies NOW REVEALED


Why diets, supplements, detox, expensive tests, and hormone therapy may not work for you

Millions never get to the cause of their symptoms, which is why even though they've tried diets, different supplements, detoxing, taking expensive tests, and even some therapies... they still don't feel better. Let's see what the cause could be AND what you can do about it!


Why different tests may look normal and you still don't feel well

Let's explore the REAL hidden cause of inflammation and how tackling that will improve everything else in the body!


Why does your doctor keep saying "You're healthy, it's just normal for your age"

The reason your doctor keeps saying, "You're healthy!" is because they've never had to battle these symptoms and find answers outside of the "traditional treatment" to help their own body heal like I, and many like me around the world have... and the science is just catching up.